Dec 24, 2017 Inside the glam world of illegal high-stakes poker. This is the new version of “Molly’s game” — the notorious poker bashes hosted by Molly Bloom from 2008 to 2011 in high-end hotel. In most legal jurisdictions, taking a rake from a poker table is explicitly illegal if the party taking the rake does not have the proper gaming licences and/or permits. The laws of many jurisdictions do not prohibit the playing of poker for money at a private dwelling, provided that no one takes a rake. Illegal New York Poker Clubs: A Former Waitress Reveals What Goes on Inside Exclusive A former waitress at some of New York’s illegal poker parlors reveals all about the action in the modern.
Earlier in the week, the world's largest online poker room, PokerStars, announced rake increases that will begin to take effect on Monday, March 28, 2016. As expected, players reacted negatively, if not angrily, about the changes. After all, who likes paying more for something that they were previously paying less for?
PokerStars Team Pro icon Daniel Negreanuoffered his take to the situation in his poker journal on Full Contact Poker, stating PokerStars has the right to operate as a company and maximize its revenue.
'PokerStars offers a service, and of course, they have the right to set the prices for that service however they choose to,' penned Negreanu. 'If you set the prices too high, customers may not use your service. If prices are set too low, then the company is likely missing out on revenue.'
Here's a complete list of the rake changes as stated on the PokerStars Blog by the Vice President of Corporate Communications for Amaya Inc. and PokerStars Eric Hollreiser:

- Spin & Go rake will be increased by one percentage point for buy-ins from $1 to $30 (two percentage points in $3 buy-in). $0.25, $60 and $100 buy-ins will not change.
- In multi-table tournaments, PokerStars will match the practices deployed in our closed-liquidity markets where rebuys and add-ons incur fees similar to the original entry. These tournaments represent approximately 12 percent of the current schedule.
- Multi-table tournament hyper-turbo rake will be increased to five percent.
- Cap and percentage of rake will be increased in some no-limit and pot-limit ring games, mainly heads-up. Some rake caps will be lowered. Limit games will not be affected.
'I've been playing poker for 20+ years and I have personally never complained about a rake increase in my life, although, I do fully understand why people would,' Negreanu wrote. 'I used to play in a $10-$20 game back in Toronto where the rake was $10 a hand, plus you were expected to tip at least an additional $2.50 per hand. Despite that high rake, the game was still really good so I played it in often. When the time came where the game just wasn't good enough to beat the rake anymore, I moved on and found a different game to play in. The game wasn't nearly as good, but the rake was just $5 a half hour per player which amounted to about 25% of what I was previously paying.'
Negreanu stated empathy with those affected and said he understands that players may discontinue playing certain formats they may no longer be profitable in after the changes take effect. He said he hopes that these players will still continue to play on PokerStars in other games that could be profitable for them.
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When changes occurred in the past, Amaya has said it was to improve the overall ecosystem of the site. Although Amaya has not stated this as one of the reasons for the rake increases in this latest announcement, Negreanu said that the changes have nothing to do with the ecosystem and everything to do with increasing revenue for PokerStars.
'These specific changes are not designed to 'improve the ecosystem' or anything along those lines, these changes are designed to increase revenue,' said Negreanu. 'There is a delicate balance when pricing a service, of course, because as I mentioned previously, if you set the prices too high for a service or a product, you risk the possibility that the consumer stops using your service or product.'
Up and Down Week for Amaya
It has been a big up-and-down week for Amaya and its online poker room PokerStars. The week started with PokerStars on top of the world by celebrating its 10th anniversary of the Sunday Million with Canada's 'a.urli' winning the $10 Million Guaranteed PokerStars Sunday Million for $970,000.
Then, the following day on Monday, PokerStars celebrated a return to the United States for the first time since Black Friday rocked the poker world on April 15, 2011, with its successful hard launch of its ring-fenced and regulated online poker room in New Jersey.
Later in the day on Monday, PokerStars announced rake increases, which were less than popular among players.
Then, on Wednesday, the Autorité des Marchés Financiersfiled five insider trading charges against the CEO of Amaya Inc., David Baazov, as a result from an investigation launched following the $4.9 billion acquisition of PokerStars and Full Tilt by Amaya.
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Daniel NegreanuPokerStarsAmayaBlack FridayDavid BaazovFull TiltNew JerseyOnline PokerRelated Room
Full TiltRelated Players
Daniel Negreanu
Sat, May 18, 12:52am by Ethan Anderson
Last Updated Fri, Jan 17, 1:41am

Poker is a game between players, with the casino, whether it be land-based or online, serving as a facilitator for the game. The casino of course, makes money from the game of poker via the poker rake fee.
Without the rake, the poker room wouldn’t make any money.
What Is The Poker Rake?
Poker rake is the free charged by the live poker or online poker room. It is used to generate revenue. There are different types of poker rakes. One type is the pot rake.
During cash games, a small proportion of the pot will be removed by the dealer upon the completion of a hand. Poker networks differ in exactly how they do this, but it is normal for no rake to be taken from the pot unless the hand makes it to the flip. If a player raises pre-flop and everyone folds, no rake is taken. A typical amount for this type of pot rake is between 5 and 10 per cent of the total pot in cash games.
Some casinos use the dead drop, to ensure everyone pays the same rake.
The player on the button pays an agreed fixed rake to the dealer before the hand begins. As an alternative to the above and a policy that applies to land based casinos is timed collection.
This is where a fixed amount of the rake is collected, for example, every 30 minutes from all players. Timed collections and dead drops are less common and most of the online poker sites use the pot rake method, which is understood by all cash game players. In most legal jurisdictions, taking a rake from a poker table is illegal if the party taking the rake doesn’t have the proper gaming licenses or permits.
The gambling laws in many jurisdictions do not ban poker player in a private dwelling, provided nobody takes a rake.
How Do You Calculate The Rake?
The rake is calculated differently depending on the type of game being played.
In cash games, the rake is based on the amount of real money in the pot. For tournaments, there is a pre-set rake amount built into the buy-in. In online cash games, the rake will often vary based on the stake being played, but it is a pre-determined threshold of rake that is taken up to a certain cap.
For example, a $0.01 might be taken for every $0.20 in the pot, with a max rake of $0.20. In most live casinos, the rake is usually at 10 per cent up to a cap of between $3 and $5. The rake is almost always much less punitive the higher you go in stakes. The lower you play, generally the more the rake hurts you.
Using The Rake As Part Of Your Strategy
Poker rooms increasing their rakes is a part of poker life.
There are a few adjustments players can make to their game to try and get ahead of the game.
Try and avoid small pots
The rake diminishes, as a percentage of the pot, as the pot grows beyond the size necessary for the maximum rake. For example, in a room with a 10 per cent, $6 maximum rake taken at dollar increments, any pot of $10 on up to $60 will be raked the full 10 per cent. However, a pot greater than $60 will be raked at less than 10 per cent.
The larger the pot is beyond that, the lower the percentage of the pot will be raked. A $60 pot is raked at $6, exactly 10 per cent. Meanwhile, a $120 pot is also raked at the maximum $6, which is 5 per cent of the pot.
Avoid heads up pots
There are two reasons for avoiding heads up pots.
One is because two-person pots are likely to be smaller than multi-way hands. It also gives the house an advantage, because the pot is raked on its total size, not the amount you’re actually winning.
Take A Rake Poker Illegal
If you win a heads up pot of $60, the house rakes 10 per cent up to $6. Your winnings have been raked at 20 per cent, $6 from the $30 your opponent contributed! On the other hand, if the $60 pot is a 6-way hand, then you are only having 12 per cent of your winnings raked, since you only contributed $10 and are winning $60, hypothetically.
Global Poker Rake
Online Casinos and Rake Alternatives
The rake is more or less here to stay.
It is used universally in online poker, but there are some alternatives in live poker, such as time charge. This is popular in no-limit high stakes games. In this system, every player pays a set fee for being at the table, usually every half hour or hour. In exchange for paying this charge, the casino does not take rake from every pot.
There are a number of online poker rooms that offer different rake fees. Depending on the type of game you play, the rake fees will be different.
Poker Take A Rake
Before you play online poker at any online casinos, and any game type, you should check what the rake is and how it is calculated because each and every site will take different amounts and calculate it differently.